Saint Anne School


The Blended Learning Model successfully employed at Saint Anne School for almost a decade combines outstanding teaching with dynamic adaptive software and targeted differentiated instruction to drive curriculum and more effectively meet the needs of every student. Precise adaptive software generates individualized curriculum content specific to the needs of each student. Outstanding teachers utilize this data to differentiate instruction according to individual student needs.
Individual and school wide analysis ensures that curriculum content is informed by reliable data and as such provides the platform for teachers to meet the academic needs of every student. The whole school shifts to a growth mindset where all students are striving for improvement regardless of their current academic level.
Saint Anne is nationally recognized as an exemplary model of Blended Learning. We hosted over 50 fellows at the City Bridge Education Fellowship in Washington D.C., the faculties of two Arizona schools, as referred by the University of Notre Dame, teachers and administrators from dozens of schools launching their own Blended Learning programs from all across Los Angeles as well as Ohio, New York, Wisconsin, and Washington state. Saint Anne faculty have also presented at Blended Learning conferences in several states.

Press and Publicity

The Shift to Growth Mindset

Blended Learning serves as a much more effective alternative to the traditional “one size fits all” approach to education. The shift to a growth mindset motivates students at every level to accomplish their own specific goals. It motivates lower performing students by providing opportunities for success and higher performing students by providing the challenge of above grade level work.  At Saint Anne School, we want every child to have attending college as their goal and actively promote this throughout the school community. 

History of Blended Learning at Saint Anne School

In 2013, Saint Anne was selected by Seton Partners to be the first Blended Learning Catholic School in Southern California. After a $600,000 investment from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Shea Family Charities, and the Specialty Family Foundation,  Saint Anne launched as a Blended Learning School in August 2013. Since then, the program has gone from strength to strength with faculty form over 30 Los Angeles schools, as well as the Education Departments at local universities, receiving training at Saint Anne School and the opportunity to view blended classrooms in action. 

National Recognition

Saint Anne has served as an exemplary model at Blended Learning for over 50 fellows at the City Bridge Education Fellowship in Washington D.C. We have hosted the faculties of two Arizona schools, as referred by the University of Notre Dame. Teachers and administrators from schools launching their own Blended Learning programs have visited from Ohio, New York, Wisconsin, and Washington state. Saint Anne faculty have also presented at Blended Learning conferences in Ohio and Wisconsin.
As an exemplary Blended Learning School, Saint Anne School hosted two Blended Learning Summits, gathering together leaders and experts in blended learning with educators to share lessons in this pioneering method of instruction. Representatives of  Catholic schools, as well as charter and independent schools, universities, and foundations attended.

Press and Publicity

“Taking Ownership of Their Own Education” “Saint Anne School Selected for Phaedrus Blended Learning Initiative,”  Santa Monica Mirror.